Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The End of 2010
I really don't know if anyone reads my blog anyway.
So let's start with Thanksgiving.
Unfortunately, I didn't have any turkey. The closest thing to a turkey that I ate was a hamburger.
My family went to Orlando, where we decided to go to Animal Kingdom. Now, theres a big rollercoaster (and the only one there) called the 'Expedition (insert name of tallest mountain here)'.
My brother (who is tiny, almost 6 years old) wanted to go on the rollercoaster. My mom kept trying to convince him he was to short, but fortunately, he was 1cm taller than the height limit. Even while standing in the huge line, my mom kept trying to convince him that he could get out of line now. He refused.
10 minutes later, we're on the rollercoaster.
My brother wants to get off.
After getting off, my brother said something about not going on rollercoasters ever again. I thought it was funny.
Enough about the past. What about the now?
Well, first of all, it's December, meaning the end of the year is approaching.
I just came back from finishing my midterm exams, meaning I am now officially in vacations. I'm planning on chilling, sleeping, and eating (and whatever resulting from the eating).
Christmas is also approaching, and that's surely a plus!
I'm sure Santa will get me something this year... I've been a good boy.
Also, it's the birthday of one of my friends!
You might recognize her from my previous drawings.
She moved away to the States recently but I don't hate her.
Happy birthday.
Anyways, that was the last post of the year 2010.
God, I still remember when I started blogging on February.
Biggest mistake ever.
2011, here I come!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Technology Kills
It's November and our year is almost over.
It seems like yesterday when we couldn't believe it was 2010, but guess what? 2011 is coming up. (and of course, after that would be 2012 and the end of the world.)
So anyways, Halloween was fun.
Believe it or not, I went trick or treating.
Yes, I know, I'm Asian.
No, you're never to old to go trick or treating.
I dressed up as a hippie, and I was probably the first Korean hippie in the history of mankind (and hippies).
Since I ran out of things to say about Halloween, I'll now talk about the relation between homework and technology. (Yes, I know. Awkward transition.)
Don't you hate it when you're trying to do homework and... OMG! A Frontbook notification!
After about one hour of meaningless Frontbook surfing, you try to resume homework, when your friend starts chatting with you. You start chatting for approximately two more hours, usually about funny videos or crushes.
Finally, you can finish that homework, but no. MeTube videos have distracted you, and you start watching videos, going from related video to related video. After another hour of 'just one more video', you try to do your homework, but your sleepiness overwhelms you, and you decide to do your homework the next day in school.
Oh, and you never finish that homework.
Technology is the ultimate distraction.
Believe it or not, SkyNet from the Terminator series is real. Technology is already dominating and controlling human beings by giving them ADHD (or something of the sort). But then, we can't remove the technology from our lives either. Imagine a life without viral videos, field trip photos, and random gossip about teenage vampires and British wizards. I personally would go crazy after a week without the internet. The destruction of the internet would lead to the end of the world.
Technology kills. (I love it)
Now we know what will happen in 2012.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sleeptalking and Faceplanting
Recently, I went over to my friend's house for a sleepover. We watched a movie, played poker, and went to sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary, really (except for the part where we went to sleep).
Next morning, my friends started bragging about how I was sleep talking. Something about a strawberry, and a bunch of words that were meaningless. They also claim to have heard me getting scared by the alarm. I don't remember any of this, but I wasn't really surprised. My mom sometimes wakes me up at night, telling me I was screaming my donkey off, looking for a 'Marco'. All right. Totally cool.
Here's another fun event that happened: a faceplant.
Anyways, my friend decided to go get this ball inside a hockey court. He jumped over the fence, threw the ball out, and then tried to jump back out. You see, the keyword here, is 'tried'.
The moment he noticed he tripped, it was too late.
He was already making his descent towards the concrete floor.
To make a long story short, he wasn't seriously hurt.
However, I have to admit, it was quite funny.
Today's lesson?
Don't pretend to be Mexican...
...unless you're a Mexican.
Now don't get offended. It's a compliment. AND A JOKE.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Forgetfulness + Laziness = ?
Long time no post! (3 months?)
Well, you see, I had forgotten about my blog.
About last month, a friend came up to me and asked why I wasn't posting anymore. I'm sorry. I think I mentioned it before in one of the posts, but I'll say it again. I have terrible memory. The fact that I have a blog is forgettable, just like any other thing. That's how memory works. You see, you remember, you forget.
Ah. During the 3 month period of which I haven't drawn me, I kinda forgot how I drew me. Hopefully it's similar, but I'm not happy with it.
Anyway, some might be wondering why I'm posting now if I was reminded last month. In a nutshell, I'm lazy.
I kept on saying
"Ah, later, later..."
"Maybe tomorrow..."
"I'll do it someday..."
...and again, that's just how life is. You get lazy.
Now don't tell me you're not lazy. Get a life.
...and just kidding. :)
I'll try to post at least one post every month...
...or at least remember.
Forgetfulness + Laziness = Fun
Forgetfulness + Laziness = Life
Forgetfulness + Laziness = Jae
Friday, June 4, 2010
Fly, Soda, Fly
Today was one of my friend's birthday (It's Sunday, but we had a surprise party today). We lured him to a park, where we surprised him, and then ate pizza and soda. When we were done, there was an extra big bottle of soda left. This Mexican decided to carry it.
This guy, (who was obviously not the brightest lightbulb in the house) decided to shake the soda, so that whoever got to open it next would be in for a surprise. Well, more of a bath. Whatever.
So we were going to the theater to watch a movie. We were crossing the street, and the Mexican pretended that the soda bottle was some sort of baseball bat.
Then, he dropped the bottle.
Pop went the bottle cap at the moment of impact.
The bottle went flying, while using it's pressurized soda as rocket fuel. It hit a car and went skyrocketing, only to fall again later and to get stepped by all cars after that.
The driver of the car that got hit by the bottle got confused of what just hit his car, and stopped after driving a couple of yards more. Then, it just went, as if nothing happened.
Everyone clapped.
It was truly awesome.
Today's lesson: Don't trust a Mexican with something.
Just kidding. Mexico is awesome too.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Be Happy
May is over.
Vacations are only two weeks away!
I'm so happy.
Hope everyone else is happy too.
Be happy.
Have a happy June everyone!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Mexican Faller
He likes cake. Just like me.
Anyways, he is Mexican. No, he's not the stereotypical bad*ss Mexican that jumps borders or has five doses of speed every day. That's only 4% of the Mexican population.
JUST KIDDING. People, it's a joke. If it wasn't funny, sorry. If you were offended, sorry. Just don't sue me.
Anyways, this particular Mexican is different. He always tells me of his 'Mexican instincts', some of them involving whether it would rain or not in the next few hours (which is quite obvious since it is cloudy and stuff).
He is famous for having a tendency of falling from his chair in class. He slants backwards in his chair, the chair slips, he falls, he fails. This had already happened over five times in the last few weeks, and every time he did, we would just laugh.
Here's a quote he said himself when he fell:
"F*** you, gravity."
But seriously, if you fall that many times, you usually learn a lesson. This particular guy DOESN'T. If you are reading this, just know this. You have issues. Get some treatment. No cake until then.
Just kidding. Have all the cake you want.
But seriously get treatment.
So yes, he is a cool friend, and he's a nice guy.
He likes nachos.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
One fateful day, I decided to pick up the music microphone and sang something. My music teacher was all like "Hey! You can sing!" Then he told me that I should sing for the next music performance. Oh, no.
You see, singing is not my thing. Yes, I guess I can get the notes right, but I still sound like as if I just had a dose of crack. Also, I kind of have stage fright. That's why I usually play something like the piano or percussion which people would hear and care less about. But no, I had to sing. Moreover, I'm the type of guy that can't say no to other people that easily. Even though I didn't actually want to sing, I had to. I did.
Today was the performance. The curtains opened, the band started playing, and I started singing. I saw hundreds of people watching me, and I got nervous. VERY NERVOUS.
I started shaking and stuff. Probably everyone watching noticed it as well. Nevertheless, I kept singing. After what seemed like two years and a half, the song was over. I went backstage, where I died.
Although I died, I was happy that everything was over. My friends told me I did good, which added to my happiness. I was also kind of happy that I sort of overcame my stage fright. Oh, god, I don't want to sing again...
...or do I?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Just Random
No one jumped off the roof, tripped into a recycling bin, or decided to run around the school naked for half an hour until the school principal suspended him. None of that.
Nothing interesting is coming to my mind either. So not that many posts these days.
The internet is killing me. Well, it was killing me. They (as in some weird internet worker dudes) finally came to my house to fix it. Now it is fully operational 24 hours a day. Hooray.
So today, I will literally write about random things that just come up to my mind.
I think this girl laid a curse on me. I mentioned this before, but let me go in detail. I think she is a witch. She makes these random predictions and they come true. I believe she cursed me for not being able to draw her hair well.
My English teacher is funny. He always has this sort of monotonous tone, which I like. He always says the weirdest stuff and has the strangest sense of humor. I like it. No, I am not gⓐy.
FUN FACT! I'm eating blueberries right now.
Llama's are awesome. You just want to poke them in their nose or something like that. They'd spit at you, but whatever. I want to own a fuzzy llama.
I'm done with the blueberries now.
The cake is a lie.
Sorry about all that.
I hope something happens soon, whether it's a nuclear food fight or a science class sulfuric acid fail. Anything.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Stupid Internet
Ever since we replaced our floor, our internet didn't work. We found out that the workers had plugged this cable upside-down, so it took 4 days to fix that. (Last post was posted from my neighbor's computer)
After checking that it worked, I went to sleep last night. Today when I came back from school, my mom was watching this Korean TV show. I was all like 'Woohoo! It's finally working again.' When my mom wa done, I go to the computer, where I find out that there's no internet anymore. So I'm just chilling there, reading, and my brother comes and asks if he can play games on the internet. I say "Nope, the internet is out and-" and I notice the internet just came back. After my brother was done, I go to the computer. As I turn on the internet, it stops working.
It kept going like that. No internet for one hour, two minutes of internet, repeat. Now this was even more annoying than when I didn't have internet at all.
Happens that all our neighbors don't have internet either. Oh, please, why? Why isn't there internet when I most need it? I even thought that maybe I had been cursed by this girl whom I couldn't draw, or maybe that God was testing me.
So here I am, posting this in the short period of time the internet has come back for. Hope they fix it.
The internet still rocks.
Oh, and I didn't break my computer.
Monday, May 17, 2010
House Chaos
We had to move everything in all the rooms into the living room, which is already of wooden floor. This includes my computer, and I didn't have internet for a few days.
Tagged in picture: My Bed, Random Cables, Yellow Pillow, Pizza, Ball, Books, Table, My Brother's Toys, TV, Wooden Block Tower, My Computer, Me.
Approximately a Million More Things Not in Picture
As you can see, it was CHAOS.
Not only that. The people who came to replace the floor painted the new floor with this thing that makes it smoother and shinier. Of course, with a negative side effect. It smells. Very bad, very strong. We (as in, my family) couldn't enter the house for five hours. When we finally went back in, although less, it still smelled. It was night, and we had to sleep. With the smell. My mom kept asking me I was sure that we weren't going to get suffocated by the smell.
But now, our house is as good as new again, and we lived happily ever after. Just kidding. The house is still a mess and we have to put all our furniture back where they should be.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have a gas mask.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Draw, Draw, Draw
Anyways, everyone should have noticed by now (if you had read at least one of my other posts) that I like to draw.
Why do I like drawing? Drawing is fudging awesome. There's no limit to what you can draw. You can decide to draw anything from potato chips to supernovas. There's such a wide variation of things that you can do with the little paper in front of you. I draw on the computer for my blog posts, but I prefer the old-style drawing method. Back to the paper in frot of you. Well, it all starts with a pencil.
That little thing made of wood with lead in the core is the ultimate device for imagination. It rocks. Yay.
Then I start wondering why people use pens. Pencils are awesome! On second thought, never mind. Pens are awesome.
Whenever you are bored, try drawing. Draw a tree. Draw a person. Draw a disintegrating alien from Mars getting shot by an intergalactic-prismatic-core-jaleviptonium-based-laser-gun. Anything, really.
Draw, draw, draw.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I Forgot
Then I forgot. So I'm writing this instead.
I seriously have a memory issue. I always forget things I was going to say. I always end up saying 'never mind' or 'I forgot'.
I think I have a screwed up short-term memory system. I forget to close my front door, I look for something already in my hand, I forget names, I forget the most important homeworks, and I even forget important parties or events on the next day. I lose my cellphone, I lose my wallet, I lose things and can' find it (only to find it when I don't need it anymore), I forget my lock's password, I forget my computer's password, I forget people's birthdays, and I forget what I said seven seconds ago.
Here's a fresh example from today:
Me: I'm so happy! I did all my homework!
Friend: Did you do the music project?
Me: What music proje- Oh no.
Friend: You didn't do it? It's for today!
Me: Oh (insert synonym for excrement here)!
Friend: I didn't do it either.
So we spent our lunch time doing the project.
Turns out it was for the day after tomorrow.
Then it was extended for 2 weeks later. *sigh*
If anyone sees a lost Asian in the middle of nowhere, it's me.
Please contact me if anyone sees a lost 'me'.
Oh, and- I forgot.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
3 Steps to Look Less Stupid
Recommended for stupid people. Obviously.
Step 1: Don't state obvious things.
Don't state obvious things, unless it's supposed to be a joke or something. It looks stupid when someone states something obvious. Here's a real life example that happened recently. The power of the school was out because of the rain since about an hour. So we were doing things that didn't need the involvement of electricity. Then came the voice from the school speaker.
"Don't turn on your computers!"
Everyone was like 'huh?'
I thought that you would get electrified or something if you tried to turn the computer on. The person on the speaker was sort of screaming, so we (or at least I) thought it was something important.
Then, the person continued:
"There is no electricity!"
Oh, no. Really? We totally didn't know that.
Step 2: Don't pretend to know everything.
Yeah. It makes you look stupider when you pretend to know, but you actually don't. Last time I was talking about what whales eat, and this guy popped out and said: "Oh, I know! They eat fish. Like tunas."
No. They eat krill. This guy clearly wanted to look smart, but he failed. Please, know what you're talking about, okay?
Step 3: Try avoiding english (such as spelling/grammar) mistakes.
This one is common. I mean, we see so many people making weird mistakes. I'm not an exception, but I don't make a mistake in every sentence.
There's this guy who is a very big example.
He has been in foreign countries longer than me, yet is worse in terms of language. He capitalizes polar bears, yet doesn't capitalize North Pole. He can't spell diseases, rather spelling it as 'deceases'.
Here's another example of another guy from recent:
Guy: *thows ball at me while I'm not looking*
Me: Woah. *hits the ball away*
Guy: Nice reflections!
Me: It's reflexes. Not reflections.
You have to admit. If you actually know what the mistake is, the person who made the mistake looks stupid.
Whatever. Everyone makes mistakes. I guess everyone is stupid. Just saying of course.
So there you go. 3 steps to look less stupid.
I hope there was no one going "I'm stupid, and I'm so offended by this post." If there was, I'm sorry.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Bread Rage
We (as in me and my friends) were eating in the cafeteria, like usual, and there was some weird bread for dessert.
When this guy left his seat to ge juice, we decided to steal his dessert. My friend stole it first, and he gave it to me. I passed it on to another friend beside me, who passed it to the person next to him, who ate it.
Soon, the guy returns, and doesn't notice that the dessert is gone, only to realize it after a few minutes. He asks all of us who took it. We say we don't have it (which is true, for the bread is no longer in the form of bread). He kept asking who had it so many times, that it got annoying. We told him the truth.
Finding out that his beloved piece of bread is gone, he enters the state of rage. In the speed of about mach 6 (my guess), his hand reaches out for my bread, takes it, and shoves it all into his mouth at once.
As he does, he says:
It's funny, because for once, I am not exagerrating.
If memory serves, that's what he said.
He also had the face of a zombie-virus-infested-monkey possesed by an evil satanic demon-spirit, eating the piece of bread as if he was chewing on the remains of a dead corpse. I'm just saying.
And heck, that was fast.
We all just started laughing.
Get your virus vaccinations as soon as possible.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hello everyone!
It's a Friday and the last day of April.
I have one thing to say: YAY!
That's just how happy I am.
Hope everyone had a happy April.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Dealing with Boredom
When I'm bored, sometimes I go check out videos on YouTube, check Facebook to see if any of the 168 notifications are of importance, etc. But anyways, in the end, you come back to the same place you started from. You are bored again. Your mind starts drifting away into nothingness, as if your consciousness is being sucked out by a brain-washing vacuum. You start thinking of impossible stuff, and you start making up weird life scenarios that would never happen. You stare into blank space, not knowing exactly what to do.
Dealing with it is not an easy thing. My advice would be to go and hang out with your friends, but what if you can't? What if you're stuck home and you can't do anything out of the ordinary? Here's some things you can do:
1. Watch a movie: No, not like a theater-movie thing. The home DVD movies, the BluRay movies, the pirated movies, whatever. Just watch a movie (preferrably one that you haven't watched) and pass your time.
2. Draw: I always do this. You just start randomly drawing things. Making an animation, drawing a still-life painting, and doodling giraffes on the nearest piece of paper all go in this category.
3. Do homework: You'll anyways have to do it, so why not when you're bored? I'm just saying. Not that recommended, though. The only bad thing is that homework is USUALLY boring.
4. Read a book: That's right. Read a book. This is recommended when you have horrible movies. Twilight? Read the book instead. Harry Potter? The book is better. Eragon? Heck, please, the book. Of course, any other book is great too. Read something, and get into it. The minutes will fly by.
It might sound stupid, but really: IT HELPS.
Eat a cookie. Eat a burrito. Eat a dog (Don't). Anything.
I don't know if it's only me, but as I eat something, I feel more calmed, and I get to know what I should do. Moreover, you can actually concentrate on doing something afterwards. Take all this I have written now for example. I previously had some candy, and it's kept me with something to do for the last few hours.
Eat healthy.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bottle Volcano
Our teacher was telling us about how the change in pressure on top of a volcano can either make it erupt or have it not to erupt. One of my friends decided to ask a question that would soon lead to something fun.
Friend: I don't understand. *asks*
Teacher: (brings a bottle of water) Okay. Look.
Me: Uh, that water has gas in it, so don't shake-
Teacher: Yes, yes, yeah. Think the cap as 'pressure'. Even if I shake
the bottle like this, the pressure doesn't let it come out.
Teacher: So, if you don't have the pressure to block the way, you-
What the fudge?!
-you get a mess.
I told her. I did.
Conclusion: Water with gas + shaking = fail.
Don't try this at home.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Test Tubes
Let's start off with how we were supposed to make different solutions in test tubes. The teacher had two kinds: The detailled precise measuring expensive test tube and a cheap typical test tube. This is what my teacher said:
"Look here guys. Do you see these test tubes? It might not look like it, but these are quite expensive. So if you ever have to break a test tube, break those cheap ones over there, okay?"
Then she decided to knock an expensive test tube to the floor.
"Oh shoot."
Oh, were you expecting a 'crash', a 'ka-zing', or at least a 'zip zap bobbity boom'? Well, too bad. Fortunate for our science teacher, the test tube didn't break, thanks to the safety collar on it that didn't let it break just that easily.
Then she says, "Phew. Well, I'll make sure I'll break the other ones next time."
One of the cheap test tubes decide to roll off and fall at that moment.
"Oh shoot."
Darn it. She catches it. Now that's what I call fast reflexes.
I'm probably going to end up breaking a test tube one day. You'll see.
Todays lesson: Don't make foolish promises.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Yeah. Sushi. Woohoo. Yay.
Sorry about that. So you get the point. I like sushi. I LOVE sushi.
The wonderful thing about it is that before you try sushi, you're like, 'Eww. It's raw fish on top of rice.' After I started eating sushi, this changed. Now it's more of a 'Yay! It's raw fish on top of rice!'
By the way, just because I'm Asian doesn't have anything to do with me liking sushi. I mean not all Asians like sushi. I have a Japanese friend who doesn't. She claims it's just raw fish on top of rice. Right.
Ugh. I regret having started talking about sushi. There's no more to say on it. Only that it's delicious, and that it's a piece of raw fish on top of rice.
Nom nom nom. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.
Nom nom nom nom nom. Nom nom.
Speaking of nom nom nom's, check out this video/song.
It's called Nom Nom Nom.
Sushi? HECK YEA!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
This moment always comes at least once in your life: Your grades. So you get your grades in the little pretty manila envelope. In your first years in school, it's more of a
'Oh my god! I'm so nervous! Did I get good grades? *opens* Eek! I did good! How did you do? Ha! I did better!" kind of thing. Fun.
Now, people just open it, see it, and that's pretty much it. The childhood that we leave behind: where does it go?
Anyways, expecting good grades, I opened the manila envelope. Inside it were the beautiful grades of mine, exerting its brilliant light towards me, its whiteness probing its way into the depth of my eyes and into my soul.
Then I see my grades.
What. The. Heck.
Oh, please, I'm Asian. I'm supposed to be getting good grades and all that, you know? I guess I sort of did good grades, but it's not good enough for me nor my parents.
Come on! I was so looking forward to that dog soup my mom was going to make me if I got good grades! Boo hoo.
I'm just kidding. There goes another stereotypical-racist thing to say to myself. No, I don't eat dogs. Who would ever dare to eat a cute fluffball that goes bow-wow? Not me. I only eat cats.
Anyways, back to my grades. They weren't all that bad. The thing is, in my school, they have a 4 point grading system. Not 5, not 10, not 100, FOUR. Although 3.5 is a high grade, it looks like it's rather low to those who are not used to it. Meh. That sucks.
Speaking of low, my English teacher gave me a poor grade. (*groan*) If you are reading this, can you give me a much higher grade? Please?
For those too dumb to get jokes: I don't eat cats.
Cats are cute fluffballs that go meow.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Bathroom Policy
1. The Kind: They just let you go without further questions.
(Example: My science teacher)
2. The Strict: They have a policy. Something like, "You can go to the bathroom once every semester. Only one chance."
(Example: My Spanish teacher)
3. The 'Only if's: Only if you take this pass. Only if you take the holepuncher. Only if you pay me. All these go in this category.
(Example: My PDR (an ethics/health kind of thing) teacher)
4. The Weird: They make you take or wear weird objects when going to the bathroom. Things like 3D brain models or trees.
(Example: My English teacher)
(This one is my personal favorite. People randomly stares and laughs at me, which I don't mind that much. I think it's fun.)
Now, the last, but not least!
5. The 'No's: No.
Students have the right to go to the bathroom and not wet their pants in case of an emergency. Please contact a lawyer if a teacher doesn't let you.
Just kidding.
Just try to get kind or weird teachers. Okay?
※ Note: I have experienced all of these, and all of these are true.
Trees rock.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I don't like Sundays. Why? Sunday is the day when you have to do all your homework for the next day. Although you rest, you spend the day under pressure. Even if you don't have homework, the fact that you go to school the next day (and that a new week is starting) is depressing to think about.
Just like that. It's like waiting for your execution day. It's inevitable, and you know that it is. This all started when someone decided to invent homework. I mean, school itself is enough, right? Homework should be banned. For the sake of earth's trees and people.
Anyways, back to Sundays. In the Bible, it is said that God rested on the seventh day, now known as 'Sunday'. Well, you see, we don't rest on Sundays at all. We stay home doing homework. No, I'm not one of the people that do their homework after getting back from school on Friday. Nope, I don't plan on being one either.
Conclusion: Less homework, please?
Haha. It's cool how I started with Sundays and ended up with homework.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Anyways, we somehow got chosen to act in the commercial. So we went to the filming, not even knowing what the commercial is about, what we are to do, and whether we are being paid.
So I became the son of this Chinese family while my friend became a typical Chinese merchant. Something about how China didn't go to the World Cup. Come on, we're both Korean! Wow, did we look hilarious with the costumes. Well, I looked okay, but my friend was TOTALLY HILARIOUS.
Haha. Notice the two buckets on the pole? Also, the stage where we were to film was so stereotypically Chinese-looking that we just couldn't stop laughing. They had lanturns in the air, vegetables in the streets, restaurants such as 'The Big Wong' and 'Young Chong Fish Balls', Chinese sofas and statues in the room, etc.
Here were the actors:
Chinese kid: Me
Chinese dad: Korean man (whom I didn't know)
Chinese mom: Vietnamese woman (what the?)
Chinese neighbor: My friend
Okay. What the ****?! None of us were Chinese. Yeah,of course. Because all Asians look the same with their funny eyes and the yellow skin. Just kidding. I don't want to be a racist against myself.
Me: You want us to be Chinese? What the?
Man: Yup, we couldn't find any Chinese except one.
Me: Oh come on! Well, okay. How much are you even paying us?
Man: A couple hundred dollars.
Me and friend: What's do we have to act?
Haha. Cool. Did I mention that the one person that was actually Chinese is the Chinese teacher in my school? Too bad he wasn't chosen as the actor. It would have been even hilarious-er. Whatever. All these people care about is that we look Chinese in their eyes, so no-problem.
Other than the fact that we filmed for eight and a half hours, it was all fun and cool. Now this is truly a once in a lifetime experience.