Thursday, May 6, 2010

3 Steps to Look Less Stupid

Here we have 3 steps to look less stupid.
Recommended for stupid people. Obviously.

Step 1: Don't state obvious things.

Don't state obvious things, unless it's supposed to be a joke or something. It looks stupid when someone states something obvious. Here's a real life example that happened recently. The power of the school was out because of the rain since about an hour. So we were doing things that didn't need the involvement of electricity. Then came the voice from the school speaker.

"Don't turn on your computers!"

Everyone was like 'huh?'
I thought that you would get electrified or something if you tried to turn the computer on. The person on the speaker was sort of screaming, so we (or at least I) thought it was something important.
Then, the person continued:

"There is no electricity!"

Oh, no. Really? We totally didn't know that.

Step 2: Don't pretend to know everything.

Yeah. It makes you look stupider when you pretend to know, but you actually don't. Last time I was talking about what whales eat, and this guy popped out and said: "Oh, I know! They eat fish. Like tunas."

No. They eat krill. This guy clearly wanted to look smart, but he failed. Please, know what you're talking about, okay?

Step 3: Try avoiding english (such as spelling/grammar) mistakes.

This one is common. I mean, we see so many people making weird mistakes. I'm not an exception, but I don't make a mistake in every sentence.

There's this guy who is a very big example.
He has been in foreign countries longer than me, yet is worse in terms of language. He capitalizes polar bears, yet doesn't capitalize North Pole. He can't spell diseases, rather spelling it as 'deceases'.

Here's another example of another guy from recent:
Guy: *thows ball at me while I'm not looking*
Me: Woah. *hits the ball away*
Guy: Nice reflections!
Me: It's reflexes. Not reflections.

You have to admit. If you actually know what the mistake is, the person who made the mistake looks stupid.

Whatever. Everyone makes mistakes. I guess everyone is stupid. Just saying of course.

So there you go. 3 steps to look less stupid.

I hope there was no one going "I'm stupid, and I'm so offended by this post." If there was, I'm sorry.

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