Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bathroom Policy

Today we will look at different types of teachers in terms of their bathroom passes (or their bathroom policy).

1. The Kind: They just let you go without further questions.
(Example: My science teacher)

2. The Strict: They have a policy. Something like, "You can go to the bathroom once every semester. Only one chance."
(Example: My Spanish teacher)

3. The 'Only if's: Only if you take this pass. Only if you take the holepuncher. Only if you pay me. All these go in this category.
(Example: My PDR (an ethics/health kind of thing) teacher)

4. The Weird: They make you take or wear weird objects when going to the bathroom. Things like 3D brain models or trees.
(Example: My English teacher)
(This one is my personal favorite. People randomly stares and laughs at me, which I don't mind that much. I think it's fun.)

Now, the last, but not least!
5. The 'No's: No.

Students have the right to go to the bathroom and not wet their pants in case of an emergency. Please contact a lawyer if a teacher doesn't let you.

Just kidding.
Just try to get kind or weird teachers. Okay?

※ Note: I have experienced all of these, and all of these are true.
Trees rock.

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