Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Technology Kills

It's November and our year is almost over.

It seems like yesterday when we couldn't believe it was 2010, but guess what? 2011 is coming up. (and of course, after that would be 2012 and the end of the world.)

So anyways, Halloween was fun.
Believe it or not, I went trick or treating.
Yes, I know, I'm Asian.
No, you're never to old to go trick or treating.

I dressed up as a hippie, and I was probably the first Korean hippie in the history of mankind (and hippies).

Since I ran out of things to say about Halloween, I'll now talk about the relation between homework and technology. (Yes, I know. Awkward transition.)

Don't you hate it when you're trying to do homework and... OMG! A Frontbook notification!
After about one hour of meaningless Frontbook surfing, you try to resume homework, when your friend starts chatting with you. You start chatting for approximately two more hours, usually about funny videos or crushes.
Finally, you can finish that homework, but no. MeTube videos have distracted you, and you start watching videos, going from related video to related video. After another hour of 'just one more video', you try to do your homework, but your sleepiness overwhelms you, and you decide to do your homework the next day in school.

Oh, and you never finish that homework.

Technology is the ultimate distraction.

Believe it or not, SkyNet from the Terminator series is real. Technology is already dominating and controlling human beings by giving them ADHD (or something of the sort). But then, we can't remove the technology from our lives either. Imagine a life without viral videos, field trip photos, and random gossip about teenage vampires and British wizards. I personally would go crazy after a week without the internet. The destruction of the internet would lead to the end of the world.

Technology kills. (I love it)
Now we know what will happen in 2012.

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