Friday, June 4, 2010

Fly, Soda, Fly

Today was a rather normal Friday. It WAS.
Today was one of my friend's birthday (It's Sunday, but we had a surprise party today). We lured him to a park, where we surprised him, and then ate pizza and soda. When we were done, there was an extra big bottle of soda left. This Mexican decided to carry it.

This guy, (who was obviously not the brightest lightbulb in the house) decided to shake the soda, so that whoever got to open it next would be in for a surprise. Well, more of a bath. Whatever.

So we were going to the theater to watch a movie. We were crossing the street, and the Mexican pretended that the soda bottle was some sort of baseball bat.

Then, he dropped the bottle.

Pop went the bottle cap at the moment of impact.

The bottle went flying, while using it's pressurized soda as rocket fuel. It hit a car and went skyrocketing, only to fall again later and to get stepped by all cars after that.

The driver of the car that got hit by the bottle got confused of what just hit his car, and stopped after driving a couple of yards more. Then, it just went, as if nothing happened.

Everyone clapped.
It was truly awesome.

Today's lesson: Don't trust a Mexican with something.

Just kidding. Mexico is awesome too.

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