Hello everyone!
It's a Friday and the last day of April.
I have one thing to say: YAY!

That's just how happy I am.
Hope everyone had a happy April.
That's just how happy I am.
Hope everyone had a happy April.
What the fudge?!
-you get a mess.
I told her. I did.
Conclusion: Water with gas + shaking = fail.
Don't try this at home.
Oh, were you expecting a 'crash', a 'ka-zing', or at least a 'zip zap bobbity boom'? Well, too bad. Fortunate for our science teacher, the test tube didn't break, thanks to the safety collar on it that didn't let it break just that easily.
Then she says, "Phew. Well, I'll make sure I'll break the other ones next time."
One of the cheap test tubes decide to roll off and fall at that moment.
"Oh shoot."
Nom nom nom. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.
Nom nom nom nom nom. Nom nom.
Speaking of nom nom nom's, check out this video/song.
It's called Nom Nom Nom.
Sushi? HECK YEA!
1. The Kind: They just let you go without further questions.
(Example: My science teacher)
2. The Strict: They have a policy. Something like, "You can go to the bathroom once every semester. Only one chance."
(Example: My Spanish teacher)
3. The 'Only if's: Only if you take this pass. Only if you take the holepuncher. Only if you pay me. All these go in this category.
(Example: My PDR (an ethics/health kind of thing) teacher)
4. The Weird: They make you take or wear weird objects when going to the bathroom. Things like 3D brain models or trees.
(Example: My English teacher)
(This one is my personal favorite. People randomly stares and laughs at me, which I don't mind that much. I think it's fun.)
Just like that. It's like waiting for your execution day. It's inevitable, and you know that it is. This all started when someone decided to invent homework. I mean, school itself is enough, right? Homework should be banned. For the sake of earth's trees and people.
Anyways, back to Sundays. In the Bible, it is said that God rested on the seventh day, now known as 'Sunday'. Well, you see, we don't rest on Sundays at all. We stay home doing homework. No, I'm not one of the people that do their homework after getting back from school on Friday. Nope, I don't plan on being one either.
Conclusion: Less homework, please?
Haha. It's cool how I started with Sundays and ended up with homework.