Friday, March 12, 2010


So my internet didn't work for about four to five days. That's no Youtube, Facebook, MSN, Skype, online games, movie downloads, homework (no complaints there), or blogging for five days. It's quite hard to live with, or in this case, live without. Now I truly see the importance of internet, cellphones, and other recent technology.

Anyways, that's not as interesting as the following:
I bought turtles!! It's not just one turtle, it's two!! Not only that, they're BABY TURTLES!!!! (Yay.)

So yes, fun. Turtles.
So about them being baby turtles...
Can you possibly imagine how small they are? They are far smaller than the average turtle you would think of. I guess it's sort of hard to imagine, so I'm uploading a photo (happens to be the first one. Yay.) so that you can see how small and adorable that turtle is. By the way, if you have something against cute and small reptiles, refrain from seeing the following photo.

Turtles rock.

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