Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mexican Faller

I have this Mexican friend.
He likes cake. Just like me.

Anyways, he is Mexican. No, he's not the stereotypical bad*ss Mexican that jumps borders or has five doses of speed every day. That's only 4% of the Mexican population.

JUST KIDDING. People, it's a joke. If it wasn't funny, sorry. If you were offended, sorry. Just don't sue me.

Anyways, this particular Mexican is different. He always tells me of his 'Mexican instincts', some of them involving whether it would rain or not in the next few hours (which is quite obvious since it is cloudy and stuff).

He is famous for having a tendency of falling from his chair in class. He slants backwards in his chair, the chair slips, he falls, he fails. This had already happened over five times in the last few weeks, and every time he did, we would just laugh.

Here's a quote he said himself when he fell:
"F*** you, gravity."

But seriously, if you fall that many times, you usually learn a lesson. This particular guy DOESN'T. If you are reading this, just know this. You have issues. Get some treatment. No cake until then.

Just kidding. Have all the cake you want.
But seriously get treatment.

So yes, he is a cool friend, and he's a nice guy.
He likes nachos.

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